Evaluation of Right Ventricle Postsystolic Shortening in Pulmonary Artery Hypertension Patients by Strain Rate Imaging 应变率显像技术评估肺动脉高压患者右心室功能及收缩后收缩
Postoperative Monitoring for Patients Undergoing Bedside Temporary Cardiac Pacing at the Apex and Outflow Tract of Right Ventricle 床边安置右心室心尖部和流出道临时起搏器患者的术后监护
Objective: To research the effect of "ShuangguYitong" acupuncture-therapy on myocardium of left and right ventricle exponents on cardiomyopathy of hyperthyreosis rats. 目的探讨双固一通针法对甲亢性心肌病大鼠左、右心室肥厚指数的影响。
We have created vascularized pieces of beating cardiac muscle in the rat that are as thick as the adult rat right ventricle wall. 我们在大鼠上培育出与成年大鼠右心室壁一样粗的带血管的跳动心肌纤维。
Objective: To review the results with an approach of primary repair for tetralogy of Fallot ( TOF) and double-outlet right ventricle ( DORV) with anomalous coronary arteries. 目的总结合并异常冠状动脉的法洛四联症和右心室双出口一期根治术的经验,探讨有关外科技术的改进。
TDI may detect early functional failure of the right ventricle in HD patients. TDI能发现透析患者早期右室功能衰竭。
Echocardiography showed a pericardial cystic mass with external compression of the right ventricle. 心脏超音波显示心脏旁有一水泡状囊肿且压迫右心室。
The catheter is then withdrawn back into the right ventricle, with the first disc positioned against the left ventricular wall and the connecting shaft filling the hole created by the rupture. 导管接着后退进入右心室,随着第一片定位在左心室壁上,连接轴填充心脏破裂所形成的缺损。
BACKGROUND To study the anaesthetic method of corrective operations of infant double-outlet right ventricle. 探讨婴幼儿右心室双出口纠正术麻醉处理方法。
That slight movement resulted in the tearing of the right ventricle. 轻微的动作导致了右心室的撕裂。
The right ventricle also may be affected. 而右心室也可能会受到一定影响。
Objective: To study the pattern of right ventricle remodeling in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension rats. 摘要目的:研究缺氧性肺动脉高压大鼠右心室重构情况。
The name tricuspid refers to the three flaps of tissue that guard the opening between the right atrium and the right ventricle. 三尖瓣这个名称与守卫着右心房和右心室开口的三块片状瓣膜有关。
We present a case of large angiosarcoma arising from the right atrium, involving the right ventricle. 本院报告一侵犯右心房、右心室之原发性右心房血管肉瘤之病例。
When more data about a patient's hemodynamic physiology is required, a pulmonary artery catheter can be inserted and advanced through the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery. 如需要更多的病人血液动力生理学资料,就可以施行肺动脉插管(PAC),经由右室插入肺动脉。
Echocardiography including tissue Doppler imaging ( TDI) of the right ventricle was performed in all patients. 对所有患者右心室行包含组织多普勒(TDI)在内的心超成像。
Effects of Bosentan on right ventricle in chronic hypoxic pulmonary hypertension rats 波生坦对慢性低氧性肺动脉高压大鼠右心室的影响
Application of monitoring central venous pressure in treating acute right ventricle myocardial infarction 中心静脉压监测在救治急性右室心肌梗死中的应用价值
Differential Expression of Proteome of Right Ventricle in Rats during the Remodeling Process of Athletic Heart 运动心脏重塑中大鼠右心室肌的差异蛋白质组学研究
Hybrid procedure for double outlet right ventricle with muscular ventricular septal defect 杂交手术治疗右室双出口合并肌部室缺1例
In all cases, the VSD allowed a portion of the blood in the left ventricle to shoot backward into the right ventricle with each heart beat, rather than being circulated to the rest of the body. 在所有病例中,VSD导致每次心脏搏动时左心室都有部分血液反向射入右心室,而不是在体内正常循环。
Due to the long term shunting of blood and an increase in volume load, the right atrium, right ventricle& pulmonary arteries dilate. 分流所致的长期容量负荷增加造成右房、右室和肺动脉扩张。
It is then threaded through a vein into the right ventricle and across the rupture into the left ventricle. 导管穿过静脉进入右心室然后穿过缺口进入左心室。
Studies on Electrophysiological Characteristics of Isoproterenol on Epicardial Myocytes of Right Ventricle of Rabbits 异丙肾上腺素影响兔右心室心外膜下心肌细胞电生理特性研究
Double outlet right ventricle; 右室双出口;
The two lower chambers, the right ventricle and left ventricle, should contract and relax together. 位于心脏较低位置的两个心腔,即左右心室,本应该是一起收缩、一起舒张的;
Rastelli procedure for double outlet right ventricle with right outflow tract and pulmonary valve stenosis Rastelli手术治疗右室双出口合并右室流出道及肺动脉瓣严重狭窄
We describe the case of a patient in whom a broken cerclage wire migrated from the right patella into the right ventricle. 我们描述的一例患者,断裂的环扎钢丝从右膝游走到了右心室。
Methods The clinical data of31 cases with double outlet of right ventricle were analyzed. 方法对31例右心室双出口患者手术的临床资料分析。
Establishment of Rabbit's Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism Model and Measurement of Right Ventricle Tension and Electrocardiogram 兔急性肺血栓栓塞模型建立及右心室压和心电图监测